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Why Your Customers Are Just Big Kids

A customer came in the other day and announced that he felt like a kid in a toyshop, he was enjoying himself so much. What we didn’t tell him is that kids seem to think Apex Display is a toyshop. There’s so much to do here if you’re very small…. why not:

  • Pull down the little bike from the Kupo Bike Holder and ride it
  • Climb around the racks or treat them like monkey bars
  • Talk to and hold hands with the child mannequins (it doesn’t seem to matter if they’re unresponsive)
  • Drink water from the cooler, or pour it on the floor
  • Spin the slotwall spinners that we use to display hangers

One little boy came in the other day with his dad and said with sheer wonder “Dad, it’s a shop for shops!”

They don’t like leaving, they cheer us up, they make us look at the things we sell in a new light but most of all they make us realize one thing…

We’re All Children at heart

It’s a fact backed by science. The way children interact with the showroom is just a less mature form of decision making than yours. A recent whitepaper from the Harvard University on the future of retailing was eye-opening on external factors’ influence on a person’s decisions.
In both studies the people being analyzed weren’t told the true reason for the research.

A Warm Investment 

In one case people held either a cold or warm therapeutic pad and were asked to evaluate the quality of it. What scientists really studied was their behaviour  in an ‘unrelated’ investment decision made immediately afterwards. The outcome is incredible: people who held the warm pad invested 43% more money than those who held the cold pad.

So…… a coffee while browsing, a warm handshake at the start of a business meeting  – these are things  that engender happiness, trust, and eventually more sales! (NOT airconditioning on heat in Brisbane though please) 

A Comfortable Choice

Another experiment described people negotiating  on a car while seated on hard wooden chairs and softer cushioned chairs. Those on harder chairs didn’t feel more negative, but they changed their offer 28% less times than people who were more comfortable – hard chairs made people harder negotiators. Does this mean people who are more comfortable are more disposed to outside influences?

Your Customers are just Big Kids

So what do you do? Take this information and run with it. Understand your customers are all just big kids who want a great experience. Provide it, and you will reap the benefits!

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